1. How do you evaluate the long-term impacts of climate change on Türkiye and the world?
Climate change is a human-induced social and environmental justice crisis and a universal human rights issue. Activities such as the use of fossil fuels, mining operations, artificial fertilizer application, and deforestation increase greenhouse gas emissions, leading to global temperature rises. This creates an ecological crisis that threatens ecosystems, biodiversity, the economy, and human life globally and in Türkiye.
The profit-driven policies of capitalism intensify domination over nature, disrupting the ecological balance. According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 2022 and 2023 were the years with the most significant glacial melting in the past 50 years. Sea levels have risen by an average of 4.3 centimeters over the last decade. Global warming exposes living species to risks of hunger and disease, with the summer of 2023 recorded as the hottest summer in history. Droughts and forest fires are becoming more frequent.
Turkey is significantly affected by this crisis. According to the 2024 World Risk Index, Türkiye ranks 35th in terms of weak disaster preparedness capacity and is categorized among the "very high-risk" countries.
Global climate change has severe effects on food security, water resources, and health. Due to climate change, hundreds of millions of people face food insecurity. Rising temperatures accelerate the spread of mosquito-borne diseases. Women are twice as likely as men to be affected by heat-related deaths.
2. What are the primary goals of your political party in combating climate change?
We believe that ecological destruction is a direct result of the current capitalist production and consumption system. Therefore, we aim to develop long-term and sustainable policies to combat the ecological crisis through the HDK Ecology Council and DEM Party Ecology Commission. We strive to unite everyone who defends nature and life under a new ecological perspective.
Our primary goals in combating the climate crisis include establishing a Ministry of Ecology and developing comprehensive policies for nationwide restructuring. We advocate for legal reforms.
We propose recognizing ecological destruction as an "ecocide" crime. Our goals include nationalizing the energy sector, transitioning to renewable energy, and fighting against thermal power plants and hydroelectric power stations (HPPs). We believe in halting mining activities that cause ecological destruction and ending the use of forested areas for profit-driven purposes.
We oppose practices that disrupt aquatic ecosystems and advocate for fair policies to provide free access to clean water. We aim to ensure food security through ecological agricultural methods that reduce fossil fuel usage.
Our peace policies are a fundamental part of combating the climate crisis. We believe natural resources should be utilized not for profit but for societal benefit, and we commit to developing comprehensive policies for a sustainable life.
DEM Party Member of Parliament for Diyarbakır